
5 Tips to Make Your Home More Organized

January 20, 2022
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There’s nothing more frustrating than when you need to find an important item, but it’s not where you expect it to be. You aren’t sure where it is!

When your home is unorganized, it can be very frustrating. Taking steps to be more organized means you will be able to find things you need and have more peace of mind, as well. The new year is a great time to kick off new habits, so here are five tips to organize your home.


It makes sense that when you have fewer items, you’ll have a much easier time organizing everything. However, that doesn’t mean you get rid of expensive items or things you use occasionally.

Instead, declutter by focusing on what’s not used at all, and then consider removing items that are very easy to replace if you find you need them in the future. When you do, you can declutter with confidence.

Get Important Papers in Order

One type of organization that homeowners often overlook is getting paperwork in order. Some people don’t keep important papers at all, and others keep everything from their entire lives. Find a happy medium by looking at the recommended storage time for items like bills, pay stubs, and tax documents. Securely shred anything you don’t need to keep.

While you’re doing this, consider reducing your bills by getting better rates on your services. It’s easy to shop around and compare rates for your service providers and necessities, such as car and home insurance. Freeway Insurance can get you free quotes for home or auto insurance by simply calling them or going online.

Create a Toy Zone

If you have kids, chances are you frequently have toys strewn around the house. Make it easier to stay organized while still having fun by using rolling bins to corral children’s toys. At the same time, create a specific space for play.

You might have a rug in a specific room that represents a play area or set up a child’s table and chairs in a particular corner. By having a play area and easy clean up, it will be easier for everything to stay organized.

Assign a Space for Working from Home

More and more Americans are working from home, but that can mean clutter and mess in the living room or dining room. If you don’t have a specific home office, consider creating a workspace the way you create a child’s play space above.

Setting up a desk and chair in a corner or near a window can give you a specific place to put your computer, books, and papers. That keeps them from cluttering the rest of the house.

Make Essentials Easy to Reach

What do you use every day without fail? From your toothbrush to your phone, wallet, and keys, these items should have an appropriate place that’s easy to reach. You can buy caddies or mount shelves in the areas where you use these items.

Caution: if you have a car with keyless entry or start, be sure to put your key in an RFID blocking box or pouch. Otherwise, if you store it near a door or window, thieves can amplify the signal and use it to steal your car.

Get Organized Today

Being organized makes life much easier and helps you save time and money. Use these tips to make your home more organized today!

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